Quipper Entertainment

Posting lyrics (sometimes my own), vids and songs of things of interest to me. I may even comment on the "things of interest" on occasion. Note that, just cuz it's posted here doesn't mean I like it. One request, though: please keep your comments clean. My links from this site are to other photo and/or music sites. For my list o' links, see my QuipSpot blog.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Pop Roxy

As Britney plays the press again, a song I penned (or typed, actually) in 2005 comes to mind. Not about her, but about the mindless lambs that follow her and her ilk wherever she goes. You know, the same bozos that followed around Lady Di all the time.

Pop Roxy

Let me introduce you to a friend of mine.
She'd like to tell you stories if you have the time.
They are the truth from what she knows
and from what her pictures show.
She's...Pop Roxy

Darling sister wants to be on center stage
doesn't have the talent, though, to make the grade.
She follows them all over town
to get her fix and stick around.
She's...Pop Roxy

Pop Roxy is her name, intrusion is her game
Sometimes as big as the story itself
Pop Roxy wants to be, photographed and seen
And not be placed upon the shelf

Little baby likes to go to all the shows,
likes talking to all the socialites that she knows.
She wants to get it all first hand
but when she can't, her words still stand.
She's...Pop Roxy

Poppy, did you get the story,
and did you tell it well?
Did you give your soul for this one?
To whom will you sell?
Poppy, not so prim and proper,
but always looking fine,
get the exclusive, true or not
take the risks and cross the line.

She's...Pop Roxy

Pretty girl wants to be part of the crew.
Does the only thing that she knows how to do...
plays a game of truth or dare;
gets her photos anywhere.
She's...Pop Roxy


Monday, November 20, 2006


Actually, like THE Ohio State University, these guys were THE Sweet. Kind of tacky, a la American Bandstand performances, but good mid-1970's glam/rock. They tried some psychadelic stuff with Love is Like Oxygen, but scored their biggest hits with Ballroom Blitz, Fox on the Run, and Little Willy.

Little Willy

Fox On The Run

Hide the women and children on this one (okay, it's not that bad, just really goofy costumes)

Ballroom Blitz

And finally, Love is Like Oxygen

Saturday, November 11, 2006

GNR Rocks!

The band is coming to Cleveland in late November. Again, I don't care for paying the exorbitant ticket prices and surcharges, so here's the next best thing.